Why model the Cheap and Nothing Wasted? (CNW)
The Tower Line Division (TLD) is a manifistation of my childhood and the CNW route from Omaha to Duluth via Sioux City, Iowa. My vision is to model the 1980s and will have a roster of majority EMD power. For the last 5 years I have endured major life challenges and all new oppertunites soon followed. We have recently moved onto a 4 acre lot in Woodbury. Prime real estate for my CNW TLD.
Tenative Route
The CNW TLD will be a North / South route. My layout will represent the following cities.
- Duluth, MN
- St Paul, MN
- Shakopee, MN
- Mankato, MN
- Worthington, MN
- Sioux City, Iowa
Layout Centerpiece
When I was a young man I was awe struck by this bahemoth of a bridge down by Boone Iowa. I did not know what the name of it was. Nor did I have any idea of its history. I just saw this tall, very long bridge with a train crossing what seemed like a mile high. I said to my 9 year old self. I want to build this someday. Well someday is apon us.

The distance of this bridge is huge and at 1/29th scale it will run 92ft long as a dual track dog bone from my shop out and back. Phase 1 of my layout. I am very aware that this bridge is way East of my planned route but that is the beauty of our hobby. We build what we like and make it look awesome. Folks will be none the wiser.
Project progress will be captured here and I will walk through all of my design, engineering, and concessions that I make to represent this structure the best I can. In my intial series of posts I will break down eveything I have learned and what plan I have put to paper. My goal is to inspire folks to not be intimadated by what seems impossible. It just takes breaking things down into realisitic and managable tasks. Join me on my journey.